
5 ft Bottom Play House

$1835.00 $1367.00

Building the perfect under deck playhouse/club house for your children is easier than ever with a built-in Bottom Clubhouse.   Constructed with solid cedar timbers that are pre-sanded, stained, and pre-drilled, this clubhouse is built to last!

Designed to be installed under the play deck, you are able to transform the unused area under your swing set into a whole new and exciting play area for your kids and all of their friends! All bottom playhouses come complete with three windows and one entrance doorway. All hardware and instructions are included.

Add to your Dream, Fantasy or Fantasy Tree House to transform them into the swing set of your dreams with the addition of this bottom clubhouse.




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The perfect addition to your Dream, Fantasy or Fantasy Tree House swing set.

Constructing the perfect playhouse for your children is easier than ever with our built-in Bottom Clubhouse. Designed to be installed under the play deck, you are able to transform the unused area under your swing set into a whole new and exciting play area for the kids — and all of their friends! All bottom playhouse come complete with three windows and one entrance doorway.


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